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Special offer on plastic surgery titles! Get a discount up to 25%!

Books which we can offer you for special prices, including detailed information can you find in the attachment. If you are interested in any of the book and in case of questions on special prices, please contact us at...

2016-06-08     Books, Meetings, events, news

20-25% discount on news from the Publishers´ Representative MAREK Lewinson!

Use discount of 20-25% and choose from the June book titles! News overview including detailed information can be found in the attachments. If you are interested in any of the book and in case of questions on prices please...

2016-06-07     Books, Meetings, events, news

20-25% discount on new books from Wiley!

Choose from the list of new books from the publisher Wiley! News overview including detailed information can be found in the attachments. On books you can get a discount of 20-25%! If you are interested in any of the book and...

2016-06-01     Meetings, events, news, Books

Top new books from Springer release in June 2016 !

Choose your new book from the publisher Springer issued in June! Overview of the top new books including detailed information you can find in the attached file. If you are interested in any of the book or in case of questions ,...

2016-05-13     Meetings, events, news, Books

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